Date: June 24, 2018
Scripture: Matthew 9:35-38; 28:18-20
Speaker: Clint Nelson

Pastor Clint shares the next chapter in the story that is Parkside. Out of the great commission we are making room this fall in our hearts and church home for more of Mission to join us on Sunday – to find faith and family.

Starting Sunday, September 16, 2018 (9:15am & 11:00am)
First Service: 9:15-10:30am
Second Service: 11:00am-12:15pm


Why are we doing this?
We believe this change to Sunday mornings will do three things:

  1. It will cause each of us personally to grow by providing a way to slay our comfort for the sake of another (those that don’t yet know Jesus or have a church family);
  2. It will make room on Sunday mornings for more people to feel welcome (we currently run 80-105% capacity on any given Sunday) and once a church reaches 80%, new and old folks start feeling unwelcome; and
  3. It will create more opportunities for people to serve on Sundays! We grow in our faith and connection to our family through serving. In many areas, we currently have more people willing to serve than we have opportunities.

How can I help?

  1. Pray! Be praying for for our hearts to embrace this change and be filled with faith, courage and love for city and kids. Pray for unity in our church and strength for our leaders and volunteers. Pray for our city, that more of Mission will come to faith and family through our church!
  2. Give! Any new start-up requires an injection of funds. Please give generously to our church. Sign-up online at
  3. Serve! Sign-up to serve at Parkside at

Why not add more chairs?
We could, but this would only serve as a short-term solution and wouldn’t achieve all of the good we believe this change will bring about (see the “why” above).

Why not plant a church instead?
We believe planting a church will be our next step after planting a second service. We believe that adding a second service will produce a “deeper bench” and more resources from which we can plant a church (and hopefully many more after that). We also believe that planting a second service will cultivate our hearts towards becoming more outward focused disciples/church planters.

Will this burn out volunteers?
While in the short-term more will be asked of current volunteers, we believe that within a year, new volunteers will help shoulder the load. We’ll also be investing in staffing and other resources to make volunteering as easy and efficient as possible. Our greatest volunteer crunch will be in Children’s Ministry. Fortunately, new folks are already stepping up to help join the fun and beauty of discipling our kids!

What’s happening in Children’s Ministry?
We are asking our Teachers and Helpers to serve at one service every other week starting September 16th. Teachers will arrive with the room, lesson and activities ready to go. There will be a 10-20 minute overlap between teachers using the same classroom to debrief and transition the room.

What’s happening in Worship Ministry?
Since the second service will be a clone of the first, each worship team will serve both services once a month. Musicians will arrive at 8:15am for set-up and sound check (rehearsals will take place Thursday evenings).

What else will be different?

  1. Over the summer we’re updating the Fireside Room to make room for more visiting before and in between services. Our coffee and breakfast will be getting an upgrade in September too!
  2. We’ll add 25 staff hours per week in order to give extra attention to Sunday volunteers and mid-week logistics.
  3. We’ll be creating a welcome centre to better serve new and current Parksiders with information.