All meetings are currently canceled until further notice.

Good sources for physical health and financial help:

What is Parkside doing to help?

  1. We’ve canceled all physical meetings out of love for neighbour and encouraged our members to stay home, obey government protocols, and help our neighbours (in a safe way).
  2. We’re praying for the welfare of our city and world. This might seem meaningless to some, but we believe there is more to our world than the material/physical and that while God doesn’t enjoy evil, He allows evil and lets humans suffer the consequence of their decision to choose evil (back at our Creation and in our daily living) so that we might taste and see the fruit of our decision and freely choose to return home to Him after seeing His grace and love on the cross. He’s made a way through Jesus! Furthermore, we know that any pain or suffering or loss in this world will be made right in the eternal life to come for those that want to return home to Him in a restored and incorruptible world. His kids (the church) are to be agents of good works and selfless love in this broken mess of a world. Prayer is a way that connects us to God and connects God to this world through us – that we might have wisdom, strength, and supernatural help to get over our own selfishness, love our neighbour, and see the miraculous take place! (That’s a really short answer to a very big question.)
  3. We’ve set-up a way for local people to ask for help (i.e. toilet paper, grocery delivery, phone call or video chat if lonely):
  4. We’re communicating with the City that, if needed, our facility can be used to help care for people.
  5. We continue to support with finances, material donations and volunteer hours, local ministries (i.e. St. Joseph’s Food Bank, Hope Central, Mission Youth House, and Mission Community Services).
  6. Our pastors, Elders, ministry leaders, and small group leaders are connecting with members of our church to pursue connection and wellbeing.
  7. We’re creating online spaces for the ministry of Jesus to be shared and heard (i.e. Online Sunday Services, online small groups, etc.).

As the situation and needs change, we will respond accordingly. Please subscribe to our e-mail newsletter for more frequent updates and encouragement: