GIVE ONLINE We live to give! A Christian worldview sees the material things of this world as merely tools to build both ours and our neighbour's love for God. The Bible instructs us to be wise and generous managers of the material for we will all give an account for how we "spent" our life. Jesus knew that it is in our nature to protect and insure our own self-interest, but modelled what it means to deny ourselves. He gave His very life that His kindness might warm our cold hearts. Today, as His followers, we continue His ministry of warming cold hearts. Through our acts of kindness and generosity, the goodness of God is experienced in us and others. Because when we give, we (and others) actually get a small taste of what He went through for [...]

BENEVOLENCE FUND2017-12-05T12:05:28-07:00

Becoming A Volunteer at Parkside

Volunteer "... Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." MATTHEW 5:16b (NIV) Why do we serve? Because God served us. Because God asks us to serve. Because we were created to serve. Because we love to serve. Because others see the love of Jesus when we serve in His name. Because it produces more love and life in this world. Because we become who God made us to be through serving. Because it bears eternal fruit and rewards. Because it helps us to build relationships with others. Because it gets our attention off of ourselves. Because it glorifies God. Finding your fit Every Parksider has a place to serve. Attend the next "Parkside 101" course to [...]

Becoming A Volunteer at Parkside2023-07-13T18:47:57-07:00


I received the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Vicente Guerrero, Baja California, Mexico from August 2-16, 2017, with a few people from our youth group this year. Members of our group joined with other church groups and together we journeyed South on a coach bus. Travelling together brought me so close to people who, two weeks earlier, were strangers to me. I wish I never had to leave this group of people because they have really become family to me. I didn't think you could become so close to people in that short amount of time. Some may think that the bus ride would be terrible, but the bus rides were some of the best bonding times. At the orphanage, we stayed in the visitor centre. Every day, we would eat our meals in the [...]

HANNAH’S TRIP TO MEXICO2017-08-29T15:04:05-07:00


How is a Christian to live out political election results? We update our prayer lists. "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:1-4 NIV) People of other political parties and religions are not the enemy; they are the ones we are called to love. It starts with prayer and aligning our heart with God's. We learn from those who voted differently than us. "An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge." (Proverbs 18:15 ESV) It's in our [...]

THE DAY AFTER AN ELECTION2017-05-10T12:05:17-07:00

The Residence in Mission

The Residence in Mission (TRIM) is a residential care home operated by Fraser Health. Under the chaplaincy services various churches lead Sunday afternoon (2:00pm) services for the residents. If you'd like to serve (music, preaching, and/or visiting) let the office know. Upcoming Dates: April 2, 2017 July 9, 2017 October 15, 2017 January 21, 2018

The Residence in Mission2017-01-03T11:40:22-07:00

Hope Central

Hope Central is a ministry run by New Heights Church on North Railway in town (across from the train station). In partnership with local churches, businesses, individuals and the Salvation Army they serve hot meals to the hungry. Our church serves a meal every month or so. If you'd like to help out contact the office. Next Dates: February 16, 2017 March 16, 2017

Hope Central2017-01-03T11:34:21-07:00


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